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Data Tree Viewer

Under construction.

Data Tree Viewer is an implementation of a Unix-style hierarchical filesystem on the PalmOS API. The purpose of the system is to provide users a way to more effectively organize medium to large collections of data, and to provide other applications with a common storage area for certain types of data. When complete, DTV will be able to provide Palm users with tools and features currently at a premium on the Palm platform, including large-file text editiing, integration of multiple datatypes, and flexible organizational structure.

DTV is currently in pre-alpha development. Free access to development versions is available through SourceForge's CVS system. Currently the application functions, with some known crash conditions, and many features still unimplemented.

George Caswell
GAIM/AOL IM: Tetsujin0

Last modified: Thu Mar 23 03:34:33 EST 2000